the white zone is for loading and unloading .... 乗客の乗り降り以外の 駐停車は禁止です
so could you imagine ways of passively loading and unloading bone それなら 受動的に骨に力を加えたり 弛めたりすることで
the white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only . 白線ゾーンはお出迎え お見送り専用です
no , i had a long wait on the tarmac at jfk , then a long wait at the passenger loading and unloading zone at sfo , and in between there was a long flight . フライトよりも待合い 荷物の受取り 合い間で疲れてるんだ
formerly , the facilities for loading and unloading freight existed on the east side of the embankment of the sanin main line , where umekoji-koen park is located today . かつての荷役設備は山陰本線の築堤の東側、現在の梅小路公園にあった。